Rosacea Management Methods From North Carolina’s Leading Dermatologist
Rosacea is a common, yet sometimes uncomfortable, skin condition. With flushing, inflammation, visible blood vessels, and stinging sensations across the face, most patients are curious about skin treatments to help ease their condition. If you’re suffering from rosacea, your dermatologist will help you discover the solutions that work best. Since 1996, the professionals at the Dermatology & Skin Surgery Centers in North Carolina have treated a wide range of conditions using state-of-the-art skin treatments. Their physicians and surgeons will do everything possible to make you feel confident and comfortable, no matter what your condition. Here are a few suggestions they suggest looking into if you need help managing your rosacea:
- Using Laser Therapy: Physicians and surgeons commonly use lasers as a method of remodeling the skin’s connective tissue, improving its outer appearance. Laser therapy involves multiple treatments, usually two or three per month to achieve lasting results. The lasers used during therapy have various wavelengths to target deeper vessels, so it’s an ideal option for all stages of rosacea.
- Oral & Topical Treatment: Rosacea can range from mild to severe, so before any therapy begins, your dermatologist needs to discover your triggering factors. These can range from extreme temperatures to spicy foods, cosmetics, alcohol, and medications. Although no stage of rosacea can be cured, the mild form can be successfully treated through facial massage and oral antibiotics. Topical treatments help as well, and for patients with more severe systems, they’re combined with oral antibiotics, helping to aid in long-term remission.
- Applying Sunscreen: While sunscreen is important for everyone, it’s especially vital for those with rosacea. Daily use will help ease swelling and pain, enabling patients to have a more comfortable experience. Ingredients such as zinc oxide and protective silicones help take pressure off of the skin, and some provide light coverage of physical symptoms.
If you’re suffering from rosacea, the pain doesn’t have to last forever. Your dermatologist will help diagnose and find the skin treatments that work best for you. If you want relief, the expert team at the Dermatology & Skin Surgery Centers will make you healthier inside and out. Visit them online or on Facebook for more information. Contact the Albemarle location by calling (704) 982-8410; the Asheboro location by calling (336) 625-8410; the West End / Pinehurst location at (910) 673-8410; or the Thomasville location at (336) 475-8410 to speak with a friendly member of their staff.