Top Mole Removal FAQs Answered
If you have a mole that appears suspicious, your dermatologist may recommend mole removal. Mole removal is often the first step to treating cancerous moles, and it is a simple, outpatient procedure. The compassionate team at the Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center is happy to answer any questions you might have about the procedure. With convenient locations in Albemarle, Asheboro, Thomasville and West End, NC, they can handle all your regular skin care needs.
Mole Removal FAQ
What Kinds of Moles Should Be Removed?
Everyone is different, and everyone’s moles look different, too. What looks suspicious on one person might not necessarily look questionable on another. Ultimately, your dermatologist is most concerned about moles that change. If you notice a change in a mole’s color, size, texture, or shape, you should schedule a skin check as soon as possible.
How Do Dermatologists Remove Moles?
There are a variety of ways to complete a mole removal procedure. One of the most common ways is with a scalpel where the mole is numbed subcutaneously and “biopsied” with the specimen removed being sent for pathology or microscopic evaluation.
What if a Mole Turns Out to Be Cancerous?
If your dermatologist removes a mole that turns out to be cancerous, there are a variety of possible treatment options. Your dermatologist may recommend Mohs surgery, which is a special technique that focuses on removing the cancerous cells layer by layer. Asheboro Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center is one of the few healthcare facilities in the Randolph County and surrounding areas that offers Mohs surgery. Other treatment options include excision, electrodesiccation and curettage, and cryosurgery.
What Is the Recovery Time for Mole Removal?
Smaller moles do not require sutures and recovery time is minimal. For larger moles, your dermatology provider will probably recommend keeping the sutures in for one to two weeks dependent on the location. You will be given instructions as to the care of the surgical site specific to you and the location of the surgical site. If you are concerned about excessive scar tissue, your dermatology provider will recommend a topical ointment to help reduce scarring.
If you have additional questions about mole removal, call the Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center. Visit their website to learn more about their multiple convenient locations, and call (704) 982-8410 to make an appointment at their Albemarle location; (336) 625-8410 for the Asheboro location; (336) 475-8410 for the Thomasville location; or (910) 673-8410 to talk to someone at their West End/Pinehurst location.